7 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality

When we think of air quality, we often think of outdoor air and the many pollutants that plague it such as car exhausts, pesticides and so much more. But, have you ever stopped to consider your indoor air quality? While we assume it’s safe to breathe because we’re indoors and the air conditioning is filtering harmful pollutants out before it ever reaches us, the truth of the matter is that your indoor air quality is likely more dangerous than the air outside.

According to the EPA, we spend 90% of our time indoors and this air is far more polluted than the outdoor air we breathe. So, don’t you think it’s time to stop and consider what you can do to improve your indoor air quality? We sure do! That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top seven things you can do to improve the quality of the air you breathe in your home and how Air-Ref Co Inc can help you achieve your clean air goals.

Change your air filters regularly

The first and simplest thing you can do to improve the air quality in your home is to regularly change your ac filters each month. The easiest way to remember this is by setting up an event in your calendar for the first of each month that reminds you it’s time to change your filter.

If you have a smart thermostat, many of them have settings that allow you to set up reminders directly through the thermostat based on the number of days that have passed or how long the blower motor has been running. This makes it simple to never forget to change your filters.

Order a 12-month supply of filters from us and be set for the whole year!

Regular maintenance on your AC unit

Another simple task that can be done to keep the air in your home clean is to schedule regular maintenance on your AC unit. By scheduling regular maintenance every six months, you can assure your equipment is clean and running smoothly.

With our annual maintenance contracts, you can guarantee your unit is putting out the cleanest air possible for you and your loved ones. During our maintenance, we check the filters, clean the coil if needed, add algae tabs to the drain pans, clean out the lines, inspect the ducts, and much more to ensure a properly functioning AC unit for you.

Get your AC ducts cleaned

An air conditioning company can also help by cleaning your ducts for you. If you notice mold or dust collecting in the ducts, it may be time to get your ducts cleaned. While this isn’t something that every home needs, it is one that can be beneficial in some homes. It simply depends on your unique duct system and if there is a build-up in the system or not. Through routine maintenance, our AC technicians can tell you if they need to be cleaned.

Use your exhaust fans and cooking vents

Besides having an AC company help you keep your unit in tip-top shape, there are other things you can do around the home to eliminate pollutants from the air inside. One of these is using the exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen to remove polluted air from the home. These fans work to pull cooking fumes and odors from the home and release them outside, so they are no longer lingering in your home. A simple, yet effective way to circulate air and remove contaminants from your home.

Control humidity in your home

Being in Florida where humidity is already high, it’s important to control the humidity in your house. Humidity creates moisture, which can lead to mold. The EPA recommends you keep humidity between 30 and 50% within your homes. Lower humidity also reduces your risk of having cockroaches and dust mites collecting in your home. Things that may increase your humidity include humidifiers, dryers, and stoves, as well as showering. This reinforces why you should be using those exhaust fans, to get the excess moisture out of the home as quickly as possible. If you’re dealing with a serious humidity problem, it may be time to look into a dehumidifier for your home.

Keep your floors clean

This may seem like common sense, but it’s an important one. Our dirty shoes are getting tracked in and out of the home all day long, which can bring in a wide range of pathogens into the home. That’s why it’s essential to keep rugs and floors clean. You can do this by having a shoes-off policy at the door and regular vacuuming and mopping. This helps eliminate pathogens from coming into the house and ultimately circulating around in the air.

Buy some house plants

Lastly, house plants can make a huge difference in the quality of your indoor air. Just a plant or two in the home can help purify the air and eliminate pollutants. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out fresh oxygen, while humans breathe in fresh oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This creates a nice symbiotic relationship and filters the air in your home. Some good house plants to consider include aloe vera, snake plants, English ivy, and bamboo palm.

As you can see, there are a number of things you can do in your home to drastically improve indoor air quality. Whether you want to take some simple steps on your own or hire an AC company like us to help you purify the air in your home, we encourage you to take the steps necessary to create a cleaner and safer home for you and your loved ones to live in.

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